Every other summer saturday

    vintage coat
    golden pony knit dress
    acne wedges
    golden pony bracelet
    lapponia silver ring
    other vintage + mixed jewellery

    pictures by my sister stefanie

    Every other summer saturday, that's how often the train stops here. This should be informative enough to describe the pace of living in this part of Finland..

    we had one cold day, and then it was back to tropical heat. I of course was estatic as I got to pretend it was autumn and finally a chance play with my new shoes! aaaaaaahhhhh I am in love. Their comfyness is a plus (not that it makes a difference, I haven't felt my feet in years)

    the knit dress is my new fave (thank you golden pony) and the cashmere coat cost me 4 euros and 70 cents at a flea market. So now that all the new fall stuff is hitting the stores I need to put my credit cards somewhere unreachable, I am thinking freezing them in a huge ice cube à la confessions of a shopaholic.. BUT when you already know all your codes and card numbers by memory.. THAT IS WHEN YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.

    have a nice week everyone



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